Annual General Meeting -Sunday 8th October


AGM – Sunday 8th October

On a very sunny October 8th we welcomed 16 families, trustees and staff to our Fun Morning and AGM 2023. The children and young people were very busy playing boccia, moving and grooving with Flamingo Chicks and getting creative at the craft table. We also had our Magic Carpet there which kept little (and big!) ones enthralled.

During the meeting we discussed some achievements and challenges from the last year and celebrated our members, all of whom are on their own journeys with Allsorts. We heard from Alfie, Ree and Alex who spoke of their own experiences – a huge thank you to you for joining us and sharing your stories.

We had some great feedback and there were discussions about what could be beneficial to members, including:

  • Transition support for young people 19+ e.g. working with other organisations to ensure smooth transitions out of Allsorts and the bringing together of parents/carers going through this transition period
  • Music/music therapy
  • Adult and young person soft play – exclusive sessions at places such as Rugrats & Halfpints
  • Virtual grandparents group for those who live to far away but still need that support network
  • Online versions of activities and socials
  • New member list of entitlement/discount
  • Similar organisations – working together and sharing knowledge e.g. Skylarks in London

This feedback was in addition to all of the feedback we received through our member survey which we take into account when planning for the future.

As always, please get in touch if you would like to have a chat about anything you read here.