An update on Allsorts’ CEO

CEO of Allsorts

Back in January when Georgia Boon left Allsorts we were lucky that Jane Jones, who was at the time Chair of Trustees, had the right skills and experience to step into the breach and was willing to do so. Jane took on the role of interim CEO while we carried out recruitment of a new permanent CEO. Little did any of us know that we were about to be hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

As the virus spread and lockdown was put in place, we had to suspend the recruitment process, and immediately launch into a major change in how we operated. Allsorts had to suddenly and urgently work out how to continue to support vulnerable families and young people without the physical group work that had always been the bedrock of everything we did. In addition the potential financial impact of lockdown was grim for the charity sector, and no one knew how long it would last. Within a very short time half of the staff team was furloughed, and how we operated had completely changed.

Jane stepped up to the mark leading the team and supporting trustees through all of this. She has been calm, efficient and creative in supporting Allsorts families while applying evolving government guidance and requirements. At the same time she has supported the team to ceaselessly apply for government grants and local funding opportunities to ensure we remain financially viable. We still have many short and medium term challenges to weather, but we are in a much stronger position than we would have been without all Jane’s work and achievements.

Trustees have therefore made the decision to offer Jane a 12 month contract to provide the stability to take us through the period of continuing uncertainty, and inevitable change that is ahead of us. I am happy to be able to tell you that Jane has accepted this offer. Jane will therefore be CEO of Allsorts from 1 July. We extend our congratulations to Jane and wish her well for the year ahead.

Alison Cathles

Interim Chair of Trustees, on behalf of Board of Trustees

June 2020