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Allsorts of Sport, Health and Fitness

Physical activity and exercise has endless amounts of benefits for our health and wellbeing. At Allsorts, we have lots of different sports, fitness and activity clubs that aim to keep us fit and happy!

Sport helps us to develop teamwork, communication and problem solving skills, whilst burning off loads of energy with friends. Some sessions are more focused around the individual, but still offer opportunities to enjoy time spent with other children, young people, parents and carers. Every sport, fitness and activity club Allsorts provides is value to the whole family – we hope you will join us for one or more soon!

Boccia Club

Boccia is a fully accessible target sport that is similar to boules. We have a range of specialist equipment to ensure that everyone can take part and challenge themselves to get their ball nearest to the target ball. Our trained coaches deliver a variety of enjoyable and strategic games that engage all participants in this entertaining game of precision, decision making and risk taking!


The sessions are run by Flamingo Chicks who specialise in inclusive dance. They offer a variety of dance and movement activities, with a focus on enjoyment, learning new skills and socialising with peers. There are two sessions – one for under 16’s and one for over 16’s.

We also run Sensory Dance which is for children and young people who benefit from smaller group sizes, more time to process information and an engaging level of sensory stimulation. This club is for members who cannot access our busier activity clubs due to the environments they take place in.

Family Fitness Fun

Exercise classes are a great way of keeping fit with friends and family. These classes offer a range of exercises that will develop your balance, coordination and the ability for your muscles to work harder for longer. The benefits of this class will also enable you to recover from physical activity much quicker and contribute to an overall healthy lifestyle.

Football Club

Playing Football is a great way to take part in a competitive team sport that teaches us how to win, lose and everything in-between! Our lively sessions are delivered by experienced coaches, with a focus on participation, learning new skills and making friends. We also have opportunities to play against other inclusive football teams across Gloucestershire. If you want to improve your skills and test yourself against other players, this is the club for you.

Football Recreational

Football Recreational Club is for children and young people who prefer less competitive activities, with a focus on learning new skills, lots of movement and enjoying time spent with friends. Lots of the games take place with a football, but there is less focus on rules and match play. If you want to use up loads of energy and learn some Football skills in the process, come along and join us!


At Multi-Sports Club you can have a go at lots of different movements and activities! Through a variety of spaces, materials and equipment, we can practice big and little movements, strengthen our core muscles and test our balance and coordination skills. We also challenge ourselves with some finer skills such as catching and throwing! This club welcomes all Allsorts members. We will find the right set of exercises, movements and activities to improve your motor-skills.

We also run Sensory Motor-Skills is for children and young people who benefit from smaller group sizes, more time to process information and an engaging level of sensory stimulation. This club is for members who cannot access our busier activity clubs due to the environments they take place in.

Personal Training

This is a unique service that Allsorts provides children and adults with additional needs. Delivered by our qualified fitness instructors, personal training sessions are designed and tailored towards each individual and can take place in an environment that best suits you. We agree individual goals with the young people prior to the programme and work together to achieve these goals. The training doesn’t have to be for one person – save costs by personal training with your friends and share the rewards of exercise and social interaction!

Softball (Summer activity)

Softball at Allsorts is a mash-up of softball, rounders and Kwik Cricket! The game is really simple: you hit the tennis ball into open spaces and score as many runs as you can! All the while, the fielding team is working together to limit the number of runs you score. This energetic club combines teamwork and individual skills, supported by a range of specialist equipment that makes it all happen. We play outdoors in the summer, and indoors in the winter.


Water confidence and swimming are essential life skills, and we are passionate about ensuring that children, young people and their families feel safe and confident in water. We offer swimming lessons and open family swimming time at National Star College in Cheltenham, within their fully accessible swimming pool. Lessons are delivered by a fully qualified swim teacher who will create a bespoke swimming programme for the participants in the pool. Lessons are 30 minutes each and we encourage an extra 15 minutes of play after the lesson to have fun in the water. Alternatively, join us for family swimming time in the warm pool and enjoy the physical, social and therapeutic benefits of being in water!

Trampoline Club

Trampoline Club offers children and young people lots of opportunities on the trampoline to develop their skills and learning new routines. While not on the trampolines members can enjoy the soft play and multi-sports equipment and can have fun socialising with friends. The focus of this session is having fun while keeping active, but there is also an opportunity to progress in this sport further for those who wish to.


Our yoga classes are delivered by a qualified yoga instructor and is the perfect way to relax and increase the flexibility of our muscles. Inflexible muscles are a common cause of injury and can put lots of stress on the joints in our body. Yoga is anything but stressful – it’s stress free! Come along and join us for a session and feel the benefits of this activity.