We just want to say a huge thank you for all of your overwhelming support, messages, and emails to Allsorts over the last few days. We’ve received nothing but understanding over our decision to close our clubs and activities, even though it must be unsettling times for you and your families.
As we’re encouraging our staff to work from home, the Toy Library office will be closed for the time being so we will be uncontactable on the office phone number. If you’d like to contact us for support, advice, or for any suggestions please email [email protected] and somebody will call you back.
We want to reassure you that during this time we will be working hard to ensure the Allsorts community can stay in contact and hope to launch some activities to do at home. We’d be really grateful if you could complete this survey to give us a better understanding of the types of activities you’d like us to offer . To complete the survey, please click HERE.
For now, we want to extend our best wishes to everyone – stay safe and stay in touch.