Rachel and Elliot take on the Mini Mudder!

Mini Mudder

Rachel Ewing and Elliot Harrison (both 10) are taking on the ‘Mini Mudder‘ on 19th August 2017. They are both members of Allsorts and want to raise money for us by taking part in this brilliant challenge!

Mini Mudder is a 1 mile obstacle course mud run designed specifically for adventure-seeking kids. The course gives kids the chance to work as a team, get muddy, and experience the thrill of adventure.

Rachel say’s she’s  ‘excited and worried,’ and she thinks it’s going to be ‘wet and grubby and muddy and mucky and dangerous!’.

You can get an idea of what they’ll be doing here:


If you’d like to sponsor them, you can go to their Just Giving page here:


Rachel and Elliot will be taking part on the same day as 7 other participants doing the full Tough Mudder for Allsorts. Wow, what a team we have!

We look forward to telling you all how they get on!