Membership - Allsorts


Allsorts Membership

The Allsorts Community

Allsorts gives people that feeling of being understood, valued, and part of something bigger than themselves.

What is an Allsorts Membership?

For a fee of £25 per family per year you’ll be able to access any Allsorts activity. By becoming a member the entire family will be able to access our full range of services, simply by filling out our form and becoming part of the Allsorts community.

To become a member please fill in this form: Membership Application Form

To request a membership form to be sent to you in the post, please complete the contact section below.

Please state if you need additional help with completing the form or more information.

By becoming a member you and your family will receive:

  • Accessible activities with reduced fees, led by our expert team
  • Support, resources and friendship
  • Membership to our Toy Library
  • Connections to useful external organisations
  • A weekly online newsletter with information about upcoming activities, events and services
  • A way to have your family’s needs represented

Fee Waivers

At Allsorts, we want all families to take part in the activities they enjoy and desire, whilst making new friends. That’s why we don’t want funds to ever get in the way of having fun.

On a case-by-case basis, we are able to waive membership and activity fees. We are able to put families in contact with other organisations who can help to cover costs so that they can make the most of what Allsorts have to offer.

Please contact us to discuss more by emailing [email protected] or call 01453 750474 if you would like to talk to use about fees or payment moving forward.

“Being a member of Allsorts has meant I am not lonely. I have a group. I am not alone.”