Important COVID-19 update - January 2021 - Allsorts

Important COVID-19 update – January 2021

COVID-19 update

As you may be aware, the Omicron variant has been a surge of positive COVID-19 cases nationally. We want to remind you of the steps Allsorts are taking to protect vulnerable children and young people, and to help reduce the spread of the virus. We will be:

  • Recommending that, where possible, Allsorts members (including children and young people) take Lateral Flow Tests (LFT), before attending an Allsorts activity.
  • Asking that Allsorts members do not attend Allsorts activities if you are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms or have been told to self-isolate
  • Asking that Allsorts members do not attend Allsorts activities if you have been classed as a โ€˜close contactโ€™ of a positive case
  • Asking that Allsorts members do not attend Allsorts activities if you are feeling generally unwell


In addition, we will continue to:

  • Be vigilant in terms of case management, ensuring that we follow the relevant NHS guidance for COVID-19 symptoms and subsequent testing arrangements
  • Ask the staff team to continue carrying out their own regular Lateral Flow Tests (LFT)
  • Ask the staff team to not attend Allsorts activities if they are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms or have been told to self-isolate
  • Ask the staff team to not attend Allsorts activities if they have been classed as a ‘close contact’ of a positive case
  • Ask the staff team to not attend Allsorts activities if they are feeling generally unwell
  • Encourage all staff and parents and carers to wear face coverings and focus on hand hygiene at activities
  • Ensure that our enhanced cleaning regimes are maintained


Thank you for your continued support.